United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

In italiano italiano

Birds of the Massaciuccoli lake

Photographer: Iacopo I.
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duck shower - wildlife photography

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Birds of the Massaciuccoli lake
Birds of the Massaciuccoli lake
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Wildlife and Nature photography of wild birds in the Massaciuccoli Lake, from Torre del Lago Puccini, Viareggio, Tuscany

Rose chafer – Cetonia Aurata
Rose chafer – Cetonia Aurata
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The Cetonia Aurata (rose chafer) is a beetle fairly common in Europe and America of the subfamily cetoniinae, it has a metallic green color and is able to fly.

To be followed by the snow, on air!
To be followed by the snow, on air!
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Not only ski slopes, every year a lot of young are attracted by freestyle, snowboard, skiboard and carving, new techniques for enjoying the mountain and really have a lot of fun.

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