United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

In italiano italiano

Birds of the Massaciuccoli lake

Photographer: Iacopo I.
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duck shower - wildlife photography

duck shower - wildlife photography

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Italian scorpion – Macro photography
Italian scorpion – Macro photography
Photographer: Iacopo I.

This set of macro photography gallery is dedicated to a specimen of scorpion found in the countryside of Pisa, Italy. This kind animal is a predatory arthropod of the order Scorpions within the class Arachnida. As other small arachnids living in Europe this is usually not dangerous for human and its sting could be compared to theBrowse the photo gallery…

Playing with softening glass
Playing with softening glass
Photographer: Iacopo I.

It was cold outside in those days and the snow covered every single stone. Inside, however, was the air was warmer and the wood made the atmosphere even more welcoming. The delicate pillows, the soft bed and the cold light through the ice on the windows. A glass in the middle of the room and an experiment to give the mind a great excuse to play.

Palio dei Ciui 2010 – Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa)
Palio dei Ciui 2010 – Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa)
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The 11th edition of the “Palio dei ciui” has been raced the 2nd of June 2010 in Santa Maria a Monte a town in the  countyside of Pisa in the heart of Tuscany. Since 1999 this fantastic donkey-race has been organized at the beginning of June as an happy ending of a popular fest of one week full of entertainment events withBrowse the photo gallery…

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