Photographer: Iacopo I.
Cats are a fundamental presence for the ecosystem of an countryside horse school, hunting small rodents and resting when the work is completely done.
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Rose chafer – Cetonia Aurata Photographer: Iacopo I. The Cetonia Aurata (rose chafer) is a beetle fairly common in Europe and America of the subfamily cetoniinae, it has a metallic green color and is able to fly. |
Araneus diadematus – The cross spider Photographer: Iacopo I. The cross spider (Araneus diadematus) is one of the most common specie of spider in Euorope and derives its name from the typical shape of the spots on the back. |
A black and white view on Ney York City Photographer: Iacopo I. New York is one of the most exciting city in the world and the Manhattan island is absolutely the heart of the city with its skyscraper, views and avenues famous thanks to some of the most famous films. A short photo reportage walking through the city. |