United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

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Rose chafer – Cetonia Aurata

Photographer: Iacopo I.
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Rose chafer - Cetonia Aurata

Rose chafer - Cetonia Aurata

In my personal imagery the Maggiolino (May bug) has something related to the mystic. Finding one in grass of my garden was always a great surprise giving a sense of luky. The problem is that Maggiolino is the common name my father teach to me and for this reason it has not been so simple to find some good information about it after shooting these photos… What I always called Maggiolino apparently is something different!

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The Cetonia Aurata (rose chafer) is a beetle fairly common in Europe and America of the subfamily cetoniinae. Looking at it is possible to easily understand the origin of the name. Thanks to its deep green metallic color it seems to be artificial. Its size rarely is more than 0,75 in (1,5 cm) long. It can fly, but as a lot of other beetles it is not really elegant at it. It lives in the vegetation and eat plants, flowers and products of the plants. After mating, the females will lay eggs in about two weeks in shrubs or in the ground overwinter until the following spring.

I remember when I was a child and my parents told some stories about this beetle. In the old times young boys tied a thin rope at a leg of the bug and linked it to a wood stick. This trick let them to have a personal flying jewel to show to their friends.

Not always, unfortunately, but we’re trying to…
Not always, unfortunately, but we’re trying to…
Photographer: Iacopo I.

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Abbey of Montecassino
Abbey of Montecassino
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Four times in its history the Abbey of Montecassino has been near to be ereased from the maps since the foundation dated 529. The sacredness of the place was able to overcome internal wars, invasions Saracen, earthquakes and bombardaments. The actual shape is a faithful copy the previous one. The postwar reconstruction has preserved the original solemnity as to try to forget the ally bombing of the February 1944.

Travel mates – Lights and shadows
Travel mates – Lights and shadows
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The travel mates are like your footsteps’ shadows on the road across the world. They are with you everywhere, they must be, sometimes they are behind you, invisible. Sometimes they are in front of you more real than anything else.

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  1. Hello lacapo I.

    The name you gave this beetle is totally wrong!!!
    Please, change it. You have to!
    Just because it’s an green shiny beetle, doesn’t mean it’s an rose beetle. It seems you didn’t even looked at the animal.
    Sorry, I really don’t want to offend you, really, but you can make a lot of damage with your misinformation!!
    I’m writing, because, when you look up Google images for “cetonia aurata” your photos are highly ranked and imagine a schoolkid needs information for a schoolprojet and takes your photos… It will be totally misleaded.

    Your beetles are somewhere in the family of “Chrysomelidae”. Please look it up and use not the species binominal name if you’re unsure :)


    I like your photos, but please do proper research to them!
    Thank you very much.

    May 06, 2018 @ 5:15 pm by Lucas

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