United Movement of Pixels
Fine Art Photography Gallery by Iacopo Iacopini

In italiano italiano

Palio dei Ciui 2010 – Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa)

Photographer: Iacopo I.
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Palio de ciui - Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa

Palio de ciui - Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa)

The 11th edition of the “Palio dei ciui” has been raced the 2nd of June 2010 in Santa Maria a Monte a town in the  countyside of Pisa in the heart of Tuscany. Since 1999 this fantastic donkey-race has been organized at the beginning of June as an happy ending of a popular fest of one week full of entertainment events with an area dedicated to a small market and stands for teasting local wine, foods and olive oil.

The event is a donkey-race competition where the riders (without any riding experience) are representative of the eight contrade (districts) within the Santa Maria a Monte town. During the first two qualification manches composed of four donkeys each the riders have to complete a  two laps race around the town football stadium. The firsts two donkeys are qualified for the final match. The contrada whose donkey first passes the finish line after a three laps race during the final match will win of the Palio’s edition.

Every year this unusual competion represents a very attractive event for a lot of people caming from all over the Tuscany and abroad. Year after year the supporters of each contrada bacame more coreographic, increasing the folklore around the show. Tumblig down, donkey running alone followed by the riders and any kind of inconveniences create a very funny atmosphere that makes this show a must to see in town.

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Larva of Agrius convolvuli – Macro Photography
Larva of Agrius convolvuli – Macro Photography
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Macro Photography of Agrius convovuli larva (of Convolvulus Hawk-moth) found in the countryside of Pisa, Tuscany – Italy. The caterpillar has a small horn on its head. Nature and wildlife photography.

Abbey of Montecassino
Abbey of Montecassino
Photographer: Iacopo I.

Four times in its history the Abbey of Montecassino has been near to be ereased from the maps since the foundation dated 529. The sacredness of the place was able to overcome internal wars, invasions Saracen, earthquakes and bombardaments. The actual shape is a faithful copy the previous one. The postwar reconstruction has preserved the original solemnity as to try to forget the ally bombing of the February 1944.

The Tollund Man – The most famous bog body
The Tollund Man – The most famous bog body
Photographer: Iacopo I.

The Tollund man is a so called bog body, this is special thanks to it very good preservation. The 2m layer of sphagnum bogs with its acids and absence of oxygen left the skin, hairs and face expression as they were at the moment of the death.

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